Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Visit to the Park

This week Sophie turned 18 weeks old. It is hard to believe that she is is already 4 1/2 months old and growing fast! 
She is doing great on her sit and come/sit off leash at home so we decided to try it at the park. Yesterday while we were flying kites we let her and our Beagle Oliver off leash. She came every time we called her and sat immediately. She had a lot of fun running and chasing the kids. 

This was her first visit to the park because we wanted to wait until after she was fully protected by her vaccines. This week we will be beginning our work on heeling and looking forward to it!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Trip to the gym

     Our son participates each week in an hour of sport activities at the local Recreational Center. We thought this would be a good training experience for Sophie. It is a large gym with high ceilings. I spoke with the gym personal and asked permission to bring her along and they said yes.

     Today they were playing basketball with over 25 kids in the gym. There were basketballs being bounced everywhere, little kids shouting, kids on wheeled scooters and bouncing on bouncy balls. It was a great noise and distraction training experience!

     When we arrived I asked Sophie to lay down by my feet while I sat on the bleachers watching the kids. She did amazing! She was very happy to just lay there and sleep despite even being hit by a ball :) When children approached her she did a little to excited and roll over and lick. So we are going to work on being less wiggly and licking. But most of her happiness to have people pet her is due to her age. This week she turned 4 months old (17 weeks).