Therapy Dogs

     Our goal is to have Sophie become a certified Therapy Dog when she turns 1 year old. We look forward to making visits as a family to local nursing homes and hospitals with her.
     During our son's last foot surgery he had a Golden Retriever visit him at Shriner's Hospital. She helped distract and relax him during her visit. This visit was instrumental in our decision to get a Golden Retriever.  We want to share the love of our dog with others that might be lonely or sick.Here is a picture of a Therapy Dog visiting Bubba while he was in the hospital.

Sopie's 1st BIG outing was to our School's Fall Festival.
She was 7 weeks old. She loved all of the attention and meeting lots of new people!
We are looking forward to more outings in the future!

Our Goals:

1. Our 1st training goal is to pass the Canine Good Citizen Award Test when Sophia is 6 months old. 

2. Train for and pass the Therapy Dog Test.

3. Begin making visits to our local nursing homes and hospital!

4. At 24 months we plan to have Sophie's hips and elbows x-rayed for OFA Certification.

5. Once Sophie has completed all of her certifications we hope to breed her in the future. 

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